Dianne Cooke


Memorial contributions to charity of your choice.

Dianne Cooke


COOKE, Dianne – With her daughters and surrounded by love and laughter on Monday, April 8, 2024, Dianne Elizabeth (Cameron) Cooke of London, Ontario.

Beloved wife of the late Dr. J. David Cooke (2006). Lovingly remembered by her daughters Meghan Cooke (Matt Kennedy) of Vancouver and Dr. Hilary Cooke of Whitehorse.

Her greatest passions were her family and career in nursing (Royal Victoria Hospital, class 62B; McGill University, 1966; Occupational Health Nurse, 18 years at 3M Canada).

A caregiver at heart, she was known for her smile, kindness, genuine interest in others, storytelling, and enduring friendships.

Cremation to be followed by interment at Wallace Cemetery, Nova Scotia. Memorial contributions to charity of your choice.


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*Note that donations must be made directly through the aforementioned organizations. Harris Funeral Home does not collect donations.

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Dianne Cooke


COOKE, Dianne – With her daughters and surrounded by love and laughter on Monday, April 8, 2024, Dianne Elizabeth (Cameron) Cooke of London, Ontario.

Beloved wife of the late Dr. J. David Cooke (2006). Lovingly remembered by her daughters Meghan Cooke (Matt Kennedy) of Vancouver and Dr. Hilary Cooke of Whitehorse.

Her greatest passions were her family and career in nursing (Royal Victoria Hospital, class 62B; McGill University, 1966; Occupational Health Nurse, 18 years at 3M Canada).

A caregiver at heart, she was known for her smile, kindness, genuine interest in others, storytelling, and enduring friendships.

Cremation to be followed by interment at Wallace Cemetery, Nova Scotia. Memorial contributions to charity of your choice.

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Memorial Donations

Complete 2 simple steps to place a Memorial Donation

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*Note that donations must be made directly through the aforementioned organizations. Harris Funeral Home does not collect donations.

Donation of your choice, please put in the field below the name of the institution you will donate in memory of  Dianne Cooke
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