Gwendolyn Green
Gwendolyn Green


GREEN, Gwendolyn – aged 85, passed away on July 1, 2023 on the eve of the first anniversary of the passing of Orlo, her beloved husband.

Gwen was a musician. Her love of music, especially hymns, choruses and anything by Bill Gaither, had her often in the center of a gathering as she played piano, sang and directed both in home and church settings. Often family and friends would pick up an instrument and play along. Her organizational skills were seen in every area of her life, from organizing church music, to Pioneer Girls programing and Forest Cliff Camp work. She was never without a list, loved a clean fridge and anything excessively sweet. She insisted that Christmas decorating begin on November 1 and was never without white TicTacs or bottles of pink nail polish.

She spent her life seeking God devotionally and longed to honour Him through her labour.

Gwen was born in London, Ontario the youngest of two daughters to Harry and Pearl Hilton on February 6, 1938. She was a devoted, loving wife to Orlo and mother to Brenda (Mark), Nancy (Bernie) and Brent. She was a dear grandmother to Ben (Mary), Jasmine (Tim), Mark (Janae), Emily, Frances (David), Neil (Jessica), Tonya (Trev), Shari, Jordyn (Christian), Kaden and 20 great-grandchildren. She has predeceased her sister Myra Myers (Myron). We are all deeply grieved at our loss.

Special thanks to the incredible staff and caregivers of The Manor Village and McGarrell Place.  We are truly grateful for your tenderness and wisdom in caregiving.


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Gwendolyn Green


GREEN, Gwendolyn – aged 85, passed away on July 1, 2023 on the eve of the first anniversary of the passing of Orlo, her beloved husband.

Gwen was a musician. Her love of music, especially hymns, choruses and anything by Bill Gaither, had her often in the center of a gathering as she played piano, sang and directed both in home and church settings. Often family and friends would pick up an instrument and play along. Her organizational skills were seen in every area of her life, from organizing church music, to Pioneer Girls programing and Forest Cliff Camp work. She was never without a list, loved a clean fridge and anything excessively sweet. She insisted that Christmas decorating begin on November 1 and was never without white TicTacs or bottles of pink nail polish.

She spent her life seeking God devotionally and longed to honour Him through her labour.

Gwen was born in London, Ontario the youngest of two daughters to Harry and Pearl Hilton on February 6, 1938. She was a devoted, loving wife to Orlo and mother to Brenda (Mark), Nancy (Bernie) and Brent. She was a dear grandmother to Ben (Mary), Jasmine (Tim), Mark (Janae), Emily, Frances (David), Neil (Jessica), Tonya (Trev), Shari, Jordyn (Christian), Kaden and 20 great-grandchildren. She has predeceased her sister Myra Myers (Myron). We are all deeply grieved at our loss.

Special thanks to the incredible staff and caregivers of The Manor Village and McGarrell Place.  We are truly grateful for your tenderness and wisdom in caregiving.

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