Hilda Keenleyside


A memorial service is planned for Friday, December 30 at 2 pm at Harris Funeral Home.


Hilda Keenleyside


KEENLEYSIDE, Hilda – Hilda had a peaceful and expected death on November 14, 2022 age 97. Her family is Miles, married for 71 years, sons Joel and Eric, daughters in law Paula Donahue and Peg Christopherson, and grandchildren Alida, Gabriel, Levi, and Nicholas.  Hilda will be remembered as loving, loyal, creative, and fun, but was also brave and determined. She fled Estonia on foot with her mother as the war ended, working in Germany then arriving as a refugee in Canada, a country for which she always felt gratitude and pride. She married Miles and they lived in Holland, then New Brunswick, before coming to London. She designed the house they built and lived in for 58 years. She had many good friends from the Unitarian Fellowship in London. Hilda painted, made pottery and many of our clothes. Our houses are full of her creations. She taught piano, and ESL, which found her friends from all over the world. She spoke five languages fluently, and several others passably. Miles and Hilda travelled frequently, and lived in Brisbane and South Africa with Miles’ work. Hilda always made gatherings special, and welcomed guests, including friends alone at Christmas. She loved opera, remembered silly jokes, and made up fanciful stories for us. She lived for the last two years at home thanks to the wonderful associates at At Your Service for Seniors. She was passionately loyal to family and friends, and will be missed. A memorial service is planned for Friday, December 30 at 2 pm at Harris Funeral Home.


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Hilda Keenleyside


KEENLEYSIDE, Hilda – Hilda had a peaceful and expected death on November 14, 2022 age 97. Her family is Miles, married for 71 years, sons Joel and Eric, daughters in law Paula Donahue and Peg Christopherson, and grandchildren Alida, Gabriel, Levi, and Nicholas.  Hilda will be remembered as loving, loyal, creative, and fun, but was also brave and determined. She fled Estonia on foot with her mother as the war ended, working in Germany then arriving as a refugee in Canada, a country for which she always felt gratitude and pride. She married Miles and they lived in Holland, then New Brunswick, before coming to London. She designed the house they built and lived in for 58 years. She had many good friends from the Unitarian Fellowship in London. Hilda painted, made pottery and many of our clothes. Our houses are full of her creations. She taught piano, and ESL, which found her friends from all over the world. She spoke five languages fluently, and several others passably. Miles and Hilda travelled frequently, and lived in Brisbane and South Africa with Miles’ work. Hilda always made gatherings special, and welcomed guests, including friends alone at Christmas. She loved opera, remembered silly jokes, and made up fanciful stories for us. She lived for the last two years at home thanks to the wonderful associates at At Your Service for Seniors. She was passionately loyal to family and friends, and will be missed. A memorial service is planned for Friday, December 30 at 2 pm at Harris Funeral Home.

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Memorial Donations

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*Note that donations must be made directly through the aforementioned organizations. Harris Funeral Home does not collect donations.

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