Jean McCallum
Jean McCallum


11:00 a.m., Thursday, August 29, 2019 at Harris Funeral Home, 220 St. James Street, London


Memorial contributions to New St. James Presbyterian Church or the charity of your choice would be appreciated.

By mail, New St. James Presbyterian Church, 280 Oxford Street East, London, ON N6A 1V4.

Jean McCallum


McCALLUM, Jean Betty – Peacefully at University Hospital on Sunday, August 25, 2019 in her 101st year. Beloved daughter of the late Archibald and Helen McCallum. Predeceased by her sisters Mary and Margaret and her brothers John and Archibald. Jean will also be sadly missed by several nephews and a niece. Jean was a longtime member at New St. James Presbyterian Church. A memorial service will be conducted at Harris Funeral Home, 220 St. James Street at Richmond on Thursday, August 29 at 11:00 a.m. Cremation with interment at Woodland Cemetery. Memorial contributions to New St. James Presbyterian Church or the charity of your choice would be appreciated.


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Memorial Donations

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*Note that donations must be made directly through the aforementioned organizations. Harris Funeral Home does not collect donations.

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Jean McCallum
Jean McCallum


McCALLUM, Jean Betty – Peacefully at University Hospital on Sunday, August 25, 2019 in her 101st year. Beloved daughter of the late Archibald and Helen McCallum. Predeceased by her sisters Mary and Margaret and her brothers John and Archibald. Jean will also be sadly missed by several nephews and a niece. Jean was a longtime member at New St. James Presbyterian Church. A memorial service will be conducted at Harris Funeral Home, 220 St. James Street at Richmond on Thursday, August 29 at 11:00 a.m. Cremation with interment at Woodland Cemetery. Memorial contributions to New St. James Presbyterian Church or the charity of your choice would be appreciated.

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Memorial Donations

Complete 2 simple steps to place a Memorial Donation

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*Note that donations must be made directly through the aforementioned organizations. Harris Funeral Home does not collect donations.


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