Jack Low - obituary
John "Jack" Alexander Low


In memory of Jack, please consider a donation to the Strathmere Lodge, 599 Albert St, Strathroy, ON N7G 3J3 (mail only) or to the Alzheimer Society https://alzswp.ca

John "Jack" Alexander Low


John “Jack” Alexander Low

After a difficult journey through the travails of dementia, John (“Jack”) Alexander Low died peacefully on July 31, 2022 in his 96th year. Jack is predeceased by his wife June, to whom he was devoted for 70 years. A man of integrity, generosity and humility, Jack enjoyed a long and successful career with Ontario Hydro, appreciated a game of golf with friends, and rarely passed up an opportunity to go out for ice cream! Jack was a long-time member of East Plains United Church in Burlington where he faithfully served in many capacities. Jack will be dearly missed by his three daughters: Janice, Karen (Annie), and Meredith (Lyle), his grandchildren and great grandchildren and will be fondly remembered for the love he gave, the lessons he taught by the life he lived, and the laughter he left in his wake. Jack’s family will be forever grateful for the kind and compassionate comfort he received from all his caregivers at Strathmere Lodge (Bear Creek) in Strathroy. In memory of Jack, please consider a donation to the Strathmere Lodge, 599 Albert St, Strathroy, ON N7G 3J3 (mail only) or to the Alzheimer Society https://alzswp.ca


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*Note that donations must be made directly through the aforementioned organizations. Harris Funeral Home does not collect donations.

Donations can be made to Alzheimer Society

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Jack Low - obituary
John "Jack" Alexander Low


John “Jack” Alexander Low

After a difficult journey through the travails of dementia, John (“Jack”) Alexander Low died peacefully on July 31, 2022 in his 96th year. Jack is predeceased by his wife June, to whom he was devoted for 70 years. A man of integrity, generosity and humility, Jack enjoyed a long and successful career with Ontario Hydro, appreciated a game of golf with friends, and rarely passed up an opportunity to go out for ice cream! Jack was a long-time member of East Plains United Church in Burlington where he faithfully served in many capacities. Jack will be dearly missed by his three daughters: Janice, Karen (Annie), and Meredith (Lyle), his grandchildren and great grandchildren and will be fondly remembered for the love he gave, the lessons he taught by the life he lived, and the laughter he left in his wake. Jack’s family will be forever grateful for the kind and compassionate comfort he received from all his caregivers at Strathmere Lodge (Bear Creek) in Strathroy. In memory of Jack, please consider a donation to the Strathmere Lodge, 599 Albert St, Strathroy, ON N7G 3J3 (mail only) or to the Alzheimer Society https://alzswp.ca

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Memorial Donations

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*Note that donations must be made directly through the aforementioned organizations. Harris Funeral Home does not collect donations.

Donations can be made to Alzheimer Society

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