Ken Jackson
Ken Jackson


Hi, my name is Ken Jackson, Kenneth George Gilbert Jackson to be exact. I was born and raised in Erieau, ON and it has been mostly London, ON since then, with stops around the world along the way. I was employed in education, primarily as a guidance counsellor, and met some terrific people doin that work (staff and students). We were lucky to have incredible neighbours and friends wherever we lived, and we were also fortunate to have close extended families.

Remaining here on earth are my wife Kathy, my son Chris, and my daughter Lisa. The word “love” doesn’t cover it for them. Carol Oates wrote “They would have to invent a new word”.

I have enjoyed living in this wonderful world.


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Ken Jackson


Hi, my name is Ken Jackson, Kenneth George Gilbert Jackson to be exact. I was born and raised in Erieau, ON and it has been mostly London, ON since then, with stops around the world along the way. I was employed in education, primarily as a guidance counsellor, and met some terrific people doin that work (staff and students). We were lucky to have incredible neighbours and friends wherever we lived, and we were also fortunate to have close extended families.

Remaining here on earth are my wife Kathy, my son Chris, and my daughter Lisa. The word “love” doesn’t cover it for them. Carol Oates wrote “They would have to invent a new word”.

I have enjoyed living in this wonderful world.

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