Lois Stevenson
Lois Stevenson


Memorial donations may be made to any cancer charity. Please remit directly to the charity of your choice.

Lois Stevenson


STEVENSON, Lois Elizabeth

December 19, 1924 – April 26, 2018

Lois lost her battle with cancer on April 26, 2018, in her 94th year. Cherished wife of the late Robert Harold Stevenson (March 26, 2011) and daughter to the late Howard Preston Bolger (1954) and Elizabeth Evelyn Workman (1976). Missed by her best friend Lourdes Joao (Aires) and their children. Survived by nieces Leslie Arteau, Nancy Klein, Susan Turner and Audrey Stevenson-Stewart and cousins Olene (Barry) and Marilyn. Aunt to the late Scott Stevenson (2012) and Andrew Stevenson (2016). Cousin of the late Phyllis Bender. Lois was a devoted career employee of The London Psychiatric Hospital as secretary to the superintendent. Bob was her mainstay and she missed him very much in recent years. The funeral service will be conducted at Harris Funeral Home, 220 St. James St. at Richmond on Wednesday, May 2 at 2 p.m. Interment Woodland Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to any cancer charity.


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Lois Stevenson
Lois Stevenson


STEVENSON, Lois Elizabeth

December 19, 1924 – April 26, 2018

Lois lost her battle with cancer on April 26, 2018, in her 94th year. Cherished wife of the late Robert Harold Stevenson (March 26, 2011) and daughter to the late Howard Preston Bolger (1954) and Elizabeth Evelyn Workman (1976). Missed by her best friend Lourdes Joao (Aires) and their children. Survived by nieces Leslie Arteau, Nancy Klein, Susan Turner and Audrey Stevenson-Stewart and cousins Olene (Barry) and Marilyn. Aunt to the late Scott Stevenson (2012) and Andrew Stevenson (2016). Cousin of the late Phyllis Bender. Lois was a devoted career employee of The London Psychiatric Hospital as secretary to the superintendent. Bob was her mainstay and she missed him very much in recent years. The funeral service will be conducted at Harris Funeral Home, 220 St. James St. at Richmond on Wednesday, May 2 at 2 p.m. Interment Woodland Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to any cancer charity.

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Memorial Donations

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*Note that donations must be made directly through the aforementioned organizations. Harris Funeral Home does not collect donations.


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