Margaret Anne Baumbach
Margaret Anne Baumbach


A memorial will be held at a later date.

Margaret Anne Baumbach


Margaret Anne Baumbach

Margaret passed away peacefully on June 9th at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario

She was predeceased by her parents Margaret & Fred Elliott
Margaret is survived by her husband of 50 years, Robert (Bert) Baumbach, 2 sisters Judy House & Pat Montague, 7 nieces & nephews,7 great nieces & nephews & 1 great, great nephew. To all of them she was Aunt Peg.

Margaret was born in Kirkland Lake in 1946. She later came to London with her parents & attended Central Collegiate which is where she met Bert. She graduated from Western University. She and Bert were very involved with the Dixie Flyers for many years and she was a great washboard player.

Margaret had many friends in the London area Music scene. When they moved to East London she made many new friends. She will be sorely missed by all her family and friends.

A memorial will be held at a later date. Please direct any questions to the Harris Funeral Home.


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Margaret Anne Baumbach
Margaret Anne Baumbach


Margaret Anne Baumbach

Margaret passed away peacefully on June 9th at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario

She was predeceased by her parents Margaret & Fred Elliott
Margaret is survived by her husband of 50 years, Robert (Bert) Baumbach, 2 sisters Judy House & Pat Montague, 7 nieces & nephews,7 great nieces & nephews & 1 great, great nephew. To all of them she was Aunt Peg.

Margaret was born in Kirkland Lake in 1946. She later came to London with her parents & attended Central Collegiate which is where she met Bert. She graduated from Western University. She and Bert were very involved with the Dixie Flyers for many years and she was a great washboard player.

Margaret had many friends in the London area Music scene. When they moved to East London she made many new friends. She will be sorely missed by all her family and friends.

A memorial will be held at a later date. Please direct any questions to the Harris Funeral Home.

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