Mateo Gutierrez Pabon
Mateo Gutierrez Pabon

Visitation by appointment on Friday from 5-8 pm at Harris Funeral Home, where the funeral service will be conducted on Saturday, October 2 at 10 am. Interment Woodland Cemetery.

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Funeral Service by appointment (space is limited) on Saturday at 10 am at Harris Funeral Home.

Mateo Gutierrez Pabon


GUTIERREZ PABON, Mateo – Suddenly on September 25, 2021, Lucas Mauricio Mateo Gutierrez Pabon of London age 23. Beloved son of Catalina. Loving brother of Daniela and Nicolas. Dear uncle of Santiago Gutierrez Pabon. Sadly missed by many aunts, uncles and cousins. Mateo loved spending time with his brother and sister. He had a sharp mind and wonderful sense of humour, and especially cared for nature and animals.


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Mateo Gutierrez Pabon
Mateo Gutierrez Pabon


GUTIERREZ PABON, Mateo – Suddenly on September 25, 2021, Lucas Mauricio Mateo Gutierrez Pabon of London age 23. Beloved son of Catalina. Loving brother of Daniela and Nicolas. Dear uncle of Santiago Gutierrez Pabon. Sadly missed by many aunts, uncles and cousins. Mateo loved spending time with his brother and sister. He had a sharp mind and wonderful sense of humour, and especially cared for nature and animals.

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